termstyle 1.0.0-pre.3
An open-source C++ header file that enables developers to easily define and apply customizable style presets for terminal outputs such as warnings, infos, and errors.
No Matches
Constructing Presets


struct  termstyle::Color
 Struct for storing different types of colors. More...
struct  termstyle::StyleString
 Struct for storing styled strings. More...
struct  termstyle::Config
 Configuration namespace. More...
struct  termstyle::PresetConfig
 Struct for storing preset configurations. More...


void termstyle::addPreset (std::string name, PresetConfig preset)
 Adds a preset with the given name and configuration.

Detailed Description

Content related to constructing presets.

Function Documentation

◆ addPreset()

void termstyle::addPreset ( std::string name,
PresetConfig preset )

Adds a preset with the given name and configuration.

This function adds a preset with the specified name and configuration to the termstyle library.

nameThe name of the preset.
presetThe configuration for the preset.
tests/col16.cpp, tests/col256.cpp, tests/colrgb.cpp, and tests/demo.cpp.